Dom Hoffman’s views on crypto have shaped my own more than anyone else. Here is a collection of tweets that have inspired my thinking. The hope here is that by sharing these tweets I can better articulate what I find so compelling about this space.
What Dom articulates so well is that crypto rails allow us to develop software in a totally new way that is better than the way we develop software today. (Is it 10x better though?)
Thanks, Dom.
This tweet doesn’t really explain the why behind the world computer making software creation so simple that 10x more people could create software. I have some hypotheses though. Making software simple to write is one thing, but I don’t think something like chatGPT is what Dom has in mind. ChatGPT makes writing software “simple” in the sense that anyone can now speak software into existence. The word that sticks out to me is integrated. What does it mean for software to be integrated? This could potentially mean something like dynamicland where computing is ubiquitous and integrated into everyday life. But to me, making writing software integrated means making it easy to build what you want to build. There are many pre-reqs for building what you want to build. Simply having the skill is not enough, and this is why LLMs are not enough. You need a few things… data, access to platforms, access to networks. This is what the world computer would give you. You have access to any and all data you want to use to build the software you want to see in the world, and you have to ability to distribute your software anywhere you want via the internet and the rails that will be built around the world computer. For exmaple, if you want to make an app on your iphone for you and your friends, Apple won’t let you just do that. You need to get the app approved on the app store for your friends to be able to download it. Why should apple have a say here? You should be able to own the networks and distribution.
I’m not sure why I screenshotted this one, perhaps because it’s depressing that peach had to shut down, and if peach was built on web3 rails it could potentially have been a hyperstructure that lived on forever.